Plannica®: Advanced Planning System

About Plannica®

Plannica® is an advanced planning and optimization system

Planica® addresses the key challenges in medium- and short-term planning faced by all the businesses

Planica® helps to maximize the capacity utilization and customer service level at the same time

Plannica® helps to…

Develop better plans

Short planning cycle

Better insight and control

Customizable plans

Achieve significant business benefits

Increase monthly throughput

Increase in customer service level and satisfaction

Use data effectively

Flexible and modular system

Plannica®: Testimonials

“Plannica® is helping Kabtek improve throughput rate up to 20%”

“Plannica® reduced the planning cycle from days to minutes and provides Kabtek with an opportunity to revise its master and detail plans multiple times throughout the week.”

“It generates a complete plan that conforms 100% to a variety of customer- and cable-specific constraints.”

Plannica®: Key Features

Large-scale master planning tool

Flexible objectives (Due-date, Maximum Throughput, Priority-based, etc.)

Accommodates routing restrictions between work centers

Automatic data validation

Rolling-horizon planning

Load-balancing across time and work centers

Root-cause analyzer for unfullfilled orders

Optimized database operations and in-memory analytics

Handles complicated BOM structures

Truck-load Assignment Plan

Seamless Integration with ERP and legacy systems

Scalable and Modular Architecture

Multi-user and multi-plant configuration

MTS (Make-To-Stock)-MTO (Make-To-Order) Integration

Due-date recommender

Optimal lot-size calculation

Bottleneck and Utilization Analyzer

Drag-and-drop reporting tools

Plannica®: Key Benefits

Based on state-of-art optimization technologies

Plannica® is developed in collaboration with academia

Quick return on investment (ROI) via dramatic improvement in KPIs

Benefit-2: Increase in Customer Service Level (from 50% to more than 90%)

Benefit-1: Increase in Throughput Rate (Up to 20%)

Scalable algorithms with quick runtimes

Solution is generated within 10 mins

Short implementation cycle

Full system can be implemented within 3 months (Note: This time is valid if the data is 100% ready.)

Flexible and customizable algorithms

Algorithms can be run with different objectives and constraints

Up-to 20% increase in Throughput Rate

Significant increase in Percent of Orders completed within Due Date

Short Project Implementation Cycle

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